Choosing a Theory

by Oleg Sovetnik

Software Products and Sociological Theories

Software development is becoming an increasingly complex and interdisciplinary task. The new approach proposed in the previous section suggests that successful software design should begin with the selection of a foundational sociological theory that allows for a deeper understanding and structuring of the domain. This approach not only helps to create more meaningful software products but also makes the development process more coherent, based on established sociological concepts.

Each area of software has its own unique tasks and characteristics, which determine the choice of an appropriate sociological theory. In the subsections, we delve into various types of software and the foundational theories that are most applicable to each.

Principles for Choosing a Foundational Theory

Every software solution is built upon a specific domain, tasks, and system structure. To select the appropriate theory, several key aspects must be considered:

  1. Complex interactions between people, technology, and data.
    In systems where complex interactions between people, technology, and data are essential, Actor-Network Theory (ANT) becomes a powerful tool. ANT posits that both people (actors) and technologies (artifacts) are equal participants in the network of interactions. This approach can be useful in projects where the role of technology and users as a unified system is crucial, such as in project management systems, cloud platforms, or e-commerce platforms. Applying ANT allows us to account for the dynamic nature of interactions and how they affect system performance and development.

  2. Nature of interaction within the system.
    A key question is how users, data, or other system elements interact with each other. In systems with intensive communication between users, theories that describe social interactions (e.g., symbolic interactionism) can provide insight into user behavior and interface architecture.

  3. Hierarchy and structure levels.
    In projects where complex organizational structures or interactions between different system levels are important (e.g., in corporate ERP systems), suitable concepts can be borrowed from structural functionalism or systems theory.

  4. Agent-based models.
    In systems where each element or user acts as an independent agent (e.g., in artificial intelligence systems or trading platforms), theories focusing on individual actions and their motivations, such as action theory or post-structuralism, can play a key role.

  5. Goals and tasks of the software product.
    For example, financial systems or analytical platforms are often associated with forecasting, risk management, and data interpretation, which require theories related to data analysis, risk, and information management.

Practical Application of Sociological Theories in Development

Once you have selected a foundational theory, the next step is operationalization—the process in which abstract concepts from the chosen theory are transformed into specific functional elements of the system. As in sociology, this process requires creating a model of interactions and representing them as software primitives, functions, and data.

We suggest the following approach:

  1. Start by analyzing your project in terms of goals and interactions, as if you were viewing it as a sociological system.
  2. Discuss the key elements of your project with the GPT system, framing your questions through the lens of sociological concepts. This will help uncover hidden aspects of the project’s structure and functionality.
  3. For additional analysis of theories and examples of their practical application, you can use analytical tools such as Perplexity to better understand the selected approaches and find examples of their application in software development.

Moving to a Detailed Selection of Theories

This systematic approach allows you not only to dive into the specifics of each area but also to make the design process more structured. We invite you to explore the relevant subsections, where each type of software is examined in terms of applicable sociological theories. This will help you begin working with the foundational theory that best suits your specific project.

After choosing a theory, you can proceed to the next step—conceptualization and operationalization, as described in the previous section.

sociology ideas conceptualization programming

Dive deeper

  • Social Networks

    Granovetter's theory of strong and weak ties most effectively explains the dynamics of interactions in social networks, considering the variety of social connections that users maintain through these platforms.

    social-network strong-weak-ties social-capital social-group-dynamics theory

  • Enterprise Systems

    For enterprise systems, structural functionalism may be the most suitable theory, as it allows for building a hierarchy of interactions where each module performs a specific function within the overall system.

    enterprise structural-functionalism social-action actor-network theory

  • Security

    For security management systems, Actor-Network Theory (ANT) is applicable. It explains the complex interactions between security elements such as users, technologies, data, and threats.

    security structuration-theory systems-theory disciplinary-power actor-network-theory

  • Game Industry

    For game development, the most suitable theory is Multiple Worlds Theory, and for distribution, the theory of institutionalization is appropriate.

    game-dev distribution structuration-theory institutionalization-theory actor-network multiple-worlds-theory

  • Automation of Production

    For game development, Multiple Worlds Theory is most suitable, while for distribution, Institutionalization Theory applies.

    automation production structuration-theory institutionalization-theory actor-network multiple-worlds-theory

  • Artificial Intelligence

    For game development, Multiple Worlds Theory is most suitable, while for distribution, Institutionalization Theory applies.

    automation production structuration-theory institutionalization-theory actor-network multiple-worlds-theory AI

  • Financial Systems

    For financial systems, Luhmann's systems theory is applicable, as it allows for describing how payment gateways, banking platforms, and financial planning systems exchange and process data, functioning as closed systems with internal logic.

    financial systems theory systems-theory field-theory social-exchange theory network communities

  • Information Systems

    Actor-Network Theory (ANT) is suitable for analyzing information systems. This theory allows viewing content management systems, knowledge management systems, and document management systems as complex networks of interactions between users, technologies, and data.

    information structuration-theory institutionalization-theory structural-functionalism social-action actor-network knowledge-communication theory

  • Cloud Platforms

    The theory of networks and platforms is well-suited for analyzing cloud platforms. It allows viewing PaaS, IaaS, and SaaS as ecosystems where users and developers interact with virtualized infrastructure and services.

    cloud service structuration-theory institutionalization-theory platform-networks actor-network theory

  • Project Management Systems

    Giddens' Structuration Theory is suitable for project management systems as it allows analyzing the interaction between structures and actions as an interdependent process.

    projects systems-theory structuration-theory institutionalization-theory actor-network theory

  • Big Data and Analytics

    Actor-Network Theory (ANT) is well-suited for Big Data and analytics platforms. It enables us to view data, algorithms, machine learning models, and users as interdependent participants in a network.

    analytics big-data systems-theory actor-network cognitive-capital information-society theory

  • Communication Platforms

    Friedrich Krotz's Mediatization Theory is well-suited for communication platforms. It views messengers and video conferencing systems as technologies that reshape social and corporate communications.

    messengers communication systems-theory mediatisation-theory actor-network symbolic-interactionism theory

  • E-commerce and Marketplaces

    The most suitable theory for e-commerce and marketplaces is Michel Callon's Market Mediation Theory, which thoroughly explains the role of platforms as intermediaries managing interactions between market participants, setting standards for behavior, payment, and logistics.

    e-commerce marketplace consumption-theory capitalist-systems mediation-market actor-network theory

  • Streaming and Multimedia

    For content management systems and streaming services, Actor-Network Theory (ANT) is applicable. This theory effectively describes interactions between system elements, including users, content, technologies, and algorithms.

    streaming multimedia structuration-theory institutionalization-theory symbolic-interactionism actor-network-theory

strong-weak-ties programming social-group-dynamics mindmap platform-networks structural-functionalism rationalism structuration-theory cognitive-capital mediatisation-theory operationalization enterprise Babylon automation social-action marketplace AI actor-network ideas scrum discord cognition communication social-capital financial production semantic-gap aspect-oriented umwelt empiricism positivism gap actor-network-theory research complexity information imperative verification problem psychologism game-dev streaming systems-theory disciplinary-power multiple-worlds-theory teamwork theory systems elephant cloud knowledge-communication structure tools symbolic-interactionism babylon field-theory messengers element security network e-commerce mediation-market big-data fact information-society concept communities philosophy social-network elements development object service multimedia sociology paradigm distribution theories language lenses epistemology metaphor social-exchange functional deconstruction linguistics anthropology meaning apriorism institutionalization-theory analytics projects conceptualization concepts poststructuralism procedural knowledge hoare-triples domain semantics consumption-theory syntax capitalist-systems subject